Founded in 2019 at the University of Toronto Scarborough, we are an organization addressing homelessness through advocacy, engagement and action across Ontario.
Change requires a voice to be heard. We communicate homelessness issues to local leaders, to make sure that the needs and concerns of the homeless community are considered and addressed.
Building a community of motivated and like-minded members allows for sustainable change. We organize events for the University of Toronto student community in order to get them involved with advocacy and donation initiatives.
We work with local shelters to supply them with the essential supplies that they need. These items include hygiene products, masks and hand sanitizers, blankets, food, and much more.
Tackling homelessness requires understanding its causes and consequences. We leverage social media posts, online blogging, academic research and in-person events to educate the public about homelessness in Canada.
including blankets, masks, and food donations.
We directly connect with shelters and organizations throughout the GTA, donating essential items to those in need.
4222 Kingston Rd., Toronto, Ontario
100 kits donated by Romina Boodram (rominafirstrealestate). Kits included: 1 toothpaste tube (75ml), 1 toothbrush and 2 bars of Dove soap.
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Have any questions or inquiries? Send us a message via email or from here!